Friday, September 19, 2008

Quiet Time

Tuesday, September 16 - My colleague Jodi gave me some MegaBlocks for Tato that her son Kolin had outgrown. He was uber-excited when I poured them out onto his playroom floor. He squealed with excitement, then covered his eyes with his hands, and then quickly pulled them away in complete disbelief that all of those toys were his. Then the stomping of the feet started. He was just gushing with happiness. This bought quite a bit of time to prepare dinner. After a little bit while I noticed it had gotten quieter, but I could still hear him talking. I peered around and saw Tato sitting on the end of the sofa closest to me reading a Spanish book that his Abuelita had read to him when she was here in July. I dared not to disturb him because he loves reading his books. A hardy THANK YOU to the Fettigs for passing it forward.

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