Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lil' Pumpkin

Oct. 19 - Today we took Tato and Mr.Quincy to the Plymouth Orchard & Cider Mill to pick out our pumpkins. Unfortunately our camera battery was dead and Ric took video on his cell phone, so this picture was taken the following day at home.

Tato enjoyed the little farm animal section and walking through the rows of pumpkins. He especially enjoyed watching the "train," which was actually about 5 or 6 flatbeds attached to make up the wagon ride. He is totally obsessed with trains. We shared some fresh cut apples, but since the orchard was PACKED to the gills, we didn't get to see everything. Anyway, when we made our way to the pumpkins, he rushed over and kept trying to pick them up. He knows he's a strong little man, but those giant pumpkins just weren't budging. He kept trying though.
I grabbed a little 3 lber and handed it to him. He was so happy to be able to carry it around in one hand. He grabbed the stem and walked around until he got to the next pumpkin of interest. When we got him into his car seat to head home, he insisted on holding it in his lamp all the way back.

"First" Haircut

Oct. 20 - I picked Tato from school today and Miss Mary came over to tell me that he had been rubbing his eyes all day because his hair kept falling in his face. She said that she tried brushing it back but then had to resort to using hairspray to keep it out of his eyes. None of which worked. I had a feeling she was trying to gently tell me that he REALLY needs a haircut. I told Ric and we decided that since it was too late to take him to a barber that we'd just do it ourselves. When I say "we" I really mean Ric will do the cutting and I will do the picture taking. We cut his hair while he was preoccupied with eating dinner and it worked out really well. There was no fussing. I just wish he was that same when I try to clip his nails. Argh! Anyway, you can see the cute result of his haircut. His hair is still wavy but no longer falls into his face.

Yo Hablo Espanol...

Monday, October 20 - Tato has been doing SO well in Spanish Class lately. Tonight his profesora gave the activity of making ranas (frogs) jump (salta). As soon as Tato heard her say "salta" he jumped. It was SO cute. Senora Jennifer and I looked at each other in astonishment. When she told him to "tira" (throw) he would throw the toy. When she would give the command of "poner los juguetes en la bolsa" he picks up the toys and puts them in the bag! Amazing! He doesn't speak but he certainly seems to understand the words. I bought him a book "Mis Animales" and when I pointed to the mouse and said "el raton" he blurted "raton." How fun is he?! Muy bien Tato : )


Hi All,
I apologize for the big gap in his entries, but we've all been VERY busy here. Ric attended the HENAAC Conference in Houston, where he was honored, for what he hopes is the last time. I started my new territory for work, which has me driving all over God's green earth! We hope you've all be doing well...