Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I Stand Corrected!

Aug. 25 - My bad. Class 5 = Class 4. Class 4 = Class 5. We still are SO proud of him for all he's learned and accomplished in Class 3: learning to feed himself with a utensil (where he favors his LEFT hand, yay), sitting in a big boy chair to eat instead of a high chair, etc.

In that same timeframe he also learned FOUR distinct things in Spanish Class (forgive the missing tildes and accents):
1. Donde esta tu nariz? (Where is your nose?) He points to his nose.
2. Adios. He waves and says, bye-bye.
3. Arriba. He puts his hands UP in the air.
4. Quieres mas? (Do you want more?) He signs for "more."

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