Monday, September 29, 2008


Sept. 8 - Today was Mateo's 18-month check-up with the pediatrician. We love his pediatrician because she's so casual, calming, and encouraging when it's all necessary. Plus her office gives the best print out at every check-up with stats, diet, milestones, safety, vaccinations, etc. for your childs current age. I live by those things!
This trip was the first time he weighed on a medical scale instead on one of those baby scales. Ooh! He could do some damage on one of those things for sure! The stats that morning were as follows:
Age: 18 months and 2 weeks
Height: 34.5 inches / 95th percentile
Weight: 29.8 lbs / 80th percentile
(this doesn't seem right to me. how big are baby boys these days?!)
Head: 19.5 big inches / 95th percentile
He's progressing really well in all areas and on track to be 6' tall. He won't need to return until he's 2 YEARS OLD with the exception of getting a flu shot. It's so hard to believe that he'll be 2 years old is less than 6 months away already : }

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