Saturday, July 26, 2008

Picnic in the Park

July 26 - Since Ric is down in Mississippi on business for a week, we met Lolo, Lola, and the Griffs at the PAASM Summer Picnic at Ramona Park in Kalamazoo. PAASM is the Philippine American Association of Southwest Michigan. Tato indulged in some yummy pansit and brownies. Nice combo, huh? But his ultimate all-time favorite thing in the world was there - an Uber Playground! I mean, this playground had stuff I've never seen before. That being said, the only thing he wanted to do was to go up and down the slides. Over and over and over and over and over, etc... again! I'm still not completely healed from my bike fall last Saturday and after chasing, lifting, and carrying Tato around today, the healing process has certainly taken several steps back. Ouch! However, it was all totally worth it to see his chubby face light up with shear happiness ; )

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