Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another Monday Morning

Nov. 17 - Have I mentioned Mateo's new obsession with trucks? He truly can't get enough. As you can see in this photo that even while eating he needs to have one of of his trucks with him. I bought him a new truck book and he'll just walk around with it, decide to plop down wherever and flip through it. He'll point and yell, "TRUCK, TRUCK, TRUUUUUCK!!!" And when I ask him what color the truck his, his answer regardless of actual color is "RED!"

When we ask Mateo, "How old are you going to be?" He responds with "two." This time he was also showing us two. He's a freak about "2." He loves things in pairs and anything that has to do with 2. Just recently has he moved on to the number 3. Slowly but surely. He likes to understand the concept of the numbers and not just say the number. Por ejemplo, he will put his shoes together and say, "2." He will line up two cars and announce "2." He will hold up two fingers and yell, "2." When he has once sippy cup he looks for another, just so he can have and say, "2." You get the picture. Maybe it's because he knows his Mama was the 2nd born, which makes 2 the best in his world ; )

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