Sunday, December 28, 2008

OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!

DEC. 28 @ roughly 7:00pm - This definitely deserves to be immediately posted because I am still in complete awe. After dinner tonight, Mateo and I went upstairs so that I could give him his bath. When I turned on the water to rinse the soap off of him. He was sitting facing the faucet because he likes to fill his little bucket with water. Then came...
Mateo: Off, off, ...
Me: Do you want Mama to turn off the water?
Mateo: Off.
Me (thinking): Is the water too hot? He usually says "hot" if that's the case.
Then he stands up and puts his finger on the word "OFF" to the right side of the faucet and taps its. And again repeats the word, "off."

OK. Is that just a complete coincidence or did he just read the word off? It was too deliberate to be a fluke though. I am still in complete awe and amazement with what occured during 30 seconds of his bath tonight. He is completely into learning the alphabet, but what a FANTASTIC SURPRISE : ) I am proud beyond words!

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