Sunday, December 14, 2008


Mateo has really gotten into learning the alphabet. He has a few alphabet books that he likes to pull out and point to the letters and ask "What's this?" I tell him the letter and he repeats it. I go through the entire alphabet that way and he does pretty good. We sing the alphabet song ALL THE TIME now and he's gotten pretty good at that too. He can sing A-B-C-D-E-F-G all by himself. Then we pretty much help him with the rest, which he happily finishes. Now he's really gotten into the habit of pointing at the letters on the pages of any of his books and saying a letter, whether he's right or wrong. He can recognize a few letters on his own too. The cutest thing is when we hear him singing the alphabet song. He scolded me one night when I joined in; he clearly wanted to sing it himself!

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