Sunday, June 03, 2007

We're Baaaack!

I truly apologize for the major hiatus we took in updating Mateo's Blog, but the good news is it's now updated. Hooray! OMG, so much has happened since the last posting. First of all, our Baby Boy Lung was born! Here's the low-down: *Mateo Valeriano Orca Lung (the first name came to me in a dream 3 nights before he was born and his second name is from my Grandfather.) *Born at 1:47p via C- section *A whopping 8 lbs 4oz *full head of black hair *steel-gray eyes (SO cool, by the way)
He was bigger than what doctors expected - no duh! I told them that he was ready, but, Oh no! My poor baby baked too long and they had a difficult time pulling his ginormous head out of the incision. Can you say OUCH! Then I got so sick from the anesthesia that I was out of commission for the first 12 hours that Mateo was in this world. Ric was the first to feed him; formula from a small cup. Because he was born via C-section, we all stayed in the hospital until Feb. 28th at about 9:30p. Ric and the nurses changed every diaper, so I was only responsible for nursing and sleeping. I couldn't believe how much I slept. The hospital staff was so awesome that I kind of didn't want to go home, but we finally did the evening of Feb. 28th. So I woke up the morning of my 32nd birthday (EEK!) on March 1st in my house with my new family : ) although Mr.Quincy was still boarded at the vet's. I finally have my "Happy Family."

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