Thursday, February 08, 2007


Jan. 29-Feb. 2... The quest for "perfect" child care. Ric & I thought we had the hook-up with Ford because they offered an awesome Day Care Facility for an unbelieveable cost to its employees. We had been on the waiting list since I was 3 months pregnant. Well, upon calling to find our status on the Infant Wait List we were told that as a cost cutting measure, Ford will be closing ALL of their UAW/Ford Child Care Facilities by June 29th! The scramble was on! Not only did we need to secure a spot for September, but we had to compete with all the other UAW/Ford employees in the area on too. Every place I called told me that they had been receiving non-stop calls from Ford employees - no big surprise there. Luckily we got in at a good place close to the condo, however the sticker shock has been hard to deal with. (We might have to seriously consider a Nanny if we want more than one child.) The Ford Day Care was at a significant discount so any place else seemed to be ridiculously priced to us. In any case, we secured a spot and are waiting to here from our #1 pick. I swear it's as if we're waiting to hear back from colleges or potential employers. Hopefully we can get him into St. Mary's (keep your fingers crossed.)

Feb. 7, 2007... Well, it was confirmed today that BBLung is indeed still breech! The doctor informed me that I have a couple of days to decide whether or not I want to go in for a version (where they manually manipulate the baby from the outside to get him to flip) before he gets too big. We had already decided against it and let him lay the way he wants. But what does that mean then? PLANNED C-SECTION! Of course there's always the unlikely possibility of him flipping before I go in for the C-section and I can go into labor naturally, etc. So, to remain somewhat optimistic, there's still hope in him flipping... we shall see about that though ; )

Feb. 8, 2007... I made the call this morning. The call to schedule and discuss having a C-section. As Murphy's Law has it, my primary OB/GYN is on vacation until next Wednesday. I was however given a tentative date for the C-section, which will be confirmed by my appointment NEXT Thursday! In any case, it looks as if BBLung will be born in the Year of the Pig! That's a very good sign - literally. Here's some characteristic information on our Little Piggy: So until NEXT THURSDAY...

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