Monday, June 30, 2008

Big Boy Words

Tato is quite the little chatterbox, more than half of which we don't understand but he's developed a vocabulary that we're so proud of :

- BABA: baby talk for "pacifier" of course. When we were waiting at the doctor's office the other day, a newborn started to cry while Tato was sipping his milk. He took the sippy out of his mouth, pointed, and said, "Baby, baba." The mother turned around and said, "Yes, she does need her baba." Good words : )
- BABY: I think this is an obvious one.
- BYE-BYE: he says this with a limp wrist wave. He's practicing his open and close hand wave.
- CAR: we were brushing our teeth one morning and he looked out our window, down to the driveway, and saw my car. He stopped brushing and said, "car." It's stuck so far.
- CRACK: the abbreviation for "cracker" I told Ric that we need to correct this on fast or else Sister Joyce (Director of St. Mary's Child Care Center) will start wondering.
- DOG: I think this one is obvious too. He calls "hey, dog."
- DOOR: I'm not sure how this word came about in his vocabulary but he uses it correctly.
- GO: when it's time to leave, he runs to the door and calls out, "go."
- HELLO: whenever he hears a ringing sound, he calls out "Hello?" He even walks around with his play cell phones and starts chatting away. He begins every conversation with "Hello?"
- JUICE: probably because it sounds a lot like "shoes" because he only drinks milk. However he does sign (language) for milk.

- NANA: banana
- PAPA: sadly "Mama" is a rare occurence.

- SHOES: a new favorite word and object of his. He loves counting his shoes.
- SIT: when he's standing on his picnic table seat, he smiles and repeats, "sit" because he knows he's suppose to be sitting and not standing. Typical.
- TATO: he says his name A LOT. He'll even pat his chest and repeatedly say "Tato"
- TWO: I'm trying to teach him to count and evidently "two" has really stuck. He even holds up his hands and tries to count his fingers. It's SO cute.
- TREE: he loves trees, so I wasn't too surprised when he started saying the word.
- UP: this means both up AND down.

So for those of you who are curious about his daily progress, his vocabulary has been a big part of it. It's amazing to hear and see him grow like this. He understands so much more than we thought a child does at this age. Really he's pretty much right on track. I asked him where his Retro Rocket was and walked into his playroom, pushed a button on his Retro Rocket then brought it out. Amazing! We're loving it : )

1 comment:

Nina and Thomas said...

I like to think that when he says "nana", he's really asking for me :D