02/26/2007: 8 lbs 4oz, 20.5 in.
02/26/2008: 26 POUNDS! 30 in.
What a difference a year makes!
02/26/2007: 8 lbs 4oz, 20.5 in.
02/26/2008: 26 POUNDS! 30 in.
What a difference a year makes!
Honestly, can baby babble be any cuter? I don't think so. He's pretty sure of himself once he gets talking. I'm just dying to know what he's truly saying and thinking.
On Feb. 1, 2008, Mateo decided that that was the day he was going to take his first steps; he hasn't stopped moving since. Here, he's jamming out to "Broken" by Tift Merritt and strutting his cute stuff.
Here she's giving, not taking his pacifier.
Ruari gladly allowed Lola Ebs to put velcro rollers in her hair.
Too cute!
I put Teagan in the baby papasan and the next thing I know Ruari is dragging over the old bouncy seat next. Then she points to it and repeats, "Tato, Tato..." I put him in the bouncy which is clearly WAY TOO small for his 25lbs. He obliges and Ruari cops-a-squat right next to him. Mr. Quincy even made it to roll call.