Tuesday, January 01, 2008

10 Months Old!

DEC. 26 - Mateo turned 10 months old the day after Christmas. It's so hard to believe that he's getting that much closer to turning over a whole year of life outside of the womb. He is still a big, happy, healthy baby boy. He is a constant babbler and squealer. I jokingly say he got that trait from Ric, but Ric not-so-jokingly says that he got it from Lola Ebs. He has about 4 teeth and has already enjoyed his first dinner roll on his own. He can pull himself up easily, stand unassisted for several seconds and has even ventured taking a couple of steps on his own before plopping onto his diaperbutt. Most bets are that he'll be walking in about a month. Watch out world! He loves to crawl after Mr.Quincy, who surprisingly doesn't mind as much anymore. Today (Jan. 1) I found them sharing a bowl of Mister's dog food! Yup! I've heard and read all the stories, but I have now become a witness to it in my own home. Ric left the two of them downstairs together and that is what I found! Thanks Ric! Otherwise, we are looking forward to all the other milestones that have yet to come. (Photo taken by Ric on his camera phone)

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