Monday, December 17, 2007

Big Boy Milestones

I can't believe that Mateo is almost 10 months old! We've all come so far. He's hit some pretty big milestones:

1. CRAWLING - I didn't think he'd ever crawl but the day after he turned 9 months old he started cruisin' around the house. Now we can barely keep up.

2. BABBLING - he's been babbling for a long time already but he's been saying "doggie." It's SO cute. Everytime he sees the Mister, he says, "gee" followed with "gah-gee." OK, to us, he's obviously saying ,"doggie."

3. TEETHING!!! He has one in the top and one in the bottom coming in. I didn't even know he was teething until I flipped him upside down while we were playing. Then I had to feel them for myself to confirm my sighting. Yay!

4. BIG PEOPLE FOOD - You've probably all seen the picture of him eating the potato bites, but he's even had some soup, bread, and a tiny taste a chocolate cupcake - Yummy!

1 comment:

Diana said...

He's needs to start babbling more if he's to get a word in edgewise in any Orca household.