OCTOBER 13 - Oops! The pictures came up in reverse order, but you get the idea. Today Ric, Mateo and I took a walk downtown for some quality family time. First step these days... Get Mateo bundled up. I L-O-V-E that his stroller has a bunting/bundle me that goes with it. He stays nice and toasty inside. Our first stop was to Panera for breakfast. Then we went to the Farmer's Market for a couple gourds to put on our front doorstep. After that we strolled along Kellogg Park to check out the Scarecrows decorated by local groups. We liked the Boy Scout Troops' idea the best (Photo 2). The sign states "Catch A Fish. It's Lots of Fun. Please Put It Back, When You're Done!" They created these fishies for you to catch (Photo 3). The last stop was to the Public Library for some quick reading, while Mateo took a short nap. All-in-all, it was great start to our weekend. I know Mateo doesn't look like his gleeful self in these photos, but he really didn't mind being bundled as long as his arms weren't tucked in.
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